Join us to create MAGIC

Please contribute NOW since every Rupee of your contribution till December 31,2016, will be matched by another from a matching grant!

Every one lakh Rupee in the MAGIC FUND will help up to 4 budding entrepreneurs each year in perpetuity.

In order to create as many centers as needed in the country and to get local communities involved in the entrepreneurship development in a cost-effective manner, our model is fashioned as a franchise model. A center is sponsored by an individual or an organization (Grand Sponsor) which has its mission congruent to that of I Create. All necessary technical support, quality control and coordination for program implementation are provided by I Create. We call this as the Modified Business Format Franchising.

Following Diagram illustrates the Grassroots Entrepreneurship Model of I Create pictorially. In short, I Create model is a system-dependent one with potentially a vast network and not a people-dependent one with its obvious limitations in scaling it up.

From the first center, started ten years ago in Kolkata, to the current 12 (and growing) centers in different parts of the country, the I Create journey has been quite exhilarating. Our approach to grassroots entrepreneurship training and development through decentralized service delivery (by our centers) and centralized knowledge pool, technical support and quality control (by I Create) has been a successful model. We refer to this as the Modified Business Format Franchising. Read More..

Your desire to help disadvantaged members of society progress economically through entrepreneurship route is a noble one.

Upcoming Events

  • National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) on January 28th, 2017 at Goa.
  • Leadership Meet on January 29th, 2017 at Goa.

Magic Fund Beneficiary

  • MAGIC (Mentor and Angel Group of I Create) Fund is established to help I Create trained Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Seed Capital Assistance. This is a donation based revolving fund.