Join us to create MAGIC

Please contribute NOW since every Rupee of your contribution till December 31,2016, will be matched by another from a matching grant!

Every one lakh Rupee in the MAGIC FUND will help up to 4 budding entrepreneurs each year in perpetuity.

Alliances have been formed with the following organizations-


Network for Teaching Entrepreneurs In this journey of entrepreneurship education and creating entrepreneurs, I Create has partnered with Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) of USA. NFTE ( is a thought-leader and dynamic performer in this field, with its reach all across the globe. NFTE has recognized I Create as one of its valuable and strategic partners.

Pan IIT Alumni

The PanIIT movement took root in 2002, when some like-minded alumni formed a PanIIT Board. The board organized two events in San Jose (January 2003) and Bangalore (February 2003), which were highly successful.

The Pan IIT organization was formed as an umbrella organization covering alumni of all Indian Institutes of Technology to evolve a brand that would provide strong fraternity among IIT alumni with the key objectives of

  • Nation Building Enhance the IIT Brand
  • Networking & Alumni Services
  • Provide a forum for Advocacy

The PanIIT Alumni website is a networking community for alumni of all IITs only. It provides the alumni community of the IITs with a variety of ways to connect with fellow alumni by location, interests, major or career. This is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. More details at


Classle is a concept which works on the networking principle provides a forum for knowledge exchange thereby enabling and empowering learners through cloud computing. This unique model helps students to learn and also helps them get placements as well. Classle disseminates content, tools, projects through a simple methodology which is shared among its crowd of academicians and students. It also provides library, projects, learning circles, soft skills Classle quiz, and career guidance. The whole process is technology driven that a small cell phone can work wonders. Experienced mentors, professors, academicians provide the hand holding and guide the students through their inadequacies , and search for answers. Classle proposes to strengthen institutions through its reach and content. More details on

SKIP - Skills for Progress

Skills for Progress (SKIP) is an all India Association of Private Technical/Vocational Training Institutions, established in the year 1969 under the Non- Profit sector with the objectives of enhancing the quality of vocational and technical trainings in the country for institutes that are offering training for employment and self employment for the socio-economic and the marginalized community. For operational convenience, SKIP has set up 8 regional Centres to cover 32 States for 220 SKIP Members from all over India. SKIP acts as coordinating body to offer Technical assistance and Services to the member institutions. It is a clearing house for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to Vocational/ Technical training. It initiates and fosters alliances with large National level Institutions for collaborations and co-operations.

SKIP capacitates its members through training programme, learning events like project and workshops etc. Every year over 25,000 young men and women, more than half of them from rural areas, are trained in about 50 skills in the member institutions. About 40 percent of them are women trained in appropriate technologies and income generating activities.

I Create held its first Training of Trainers with SKIP on October 3rd-7th 2011 at Bangalore.

AFPRO- (Action for Food Production)

Action for Food Production is an Indian socio-technical non-governmental organization with Christian inspiration working for the development of the rural poor through effective natural resource management solutions.
It provides technical guidance and backup support to grassroots level NGOs for the implementation of environmentally friendly projects for water, food security, livelihoods and allied capacity building.

AFPRO reaches out to the country through nine field units located strategically all over India. It has a team of hydrologists, geologists, geophysicists, civil engineers, sociologists and specialists in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and livestock.

I Create conducted a TOT for agricultural , community officers in the month of December 2011 and January 2012.

Western Region Social service Forum (WRSSF)

Western Region Social service Forum (WRSSF) headquartered at Mumbai is a registered charitable society comprising of three western states of India- Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Started in 1989 it has been formed for mutual sharing among the Diocesan Directors, coordinators and Social workers to address regional issues by taking up programs based on Regional needs

WRSSF inspires support and promotes developmental interventions of the 15 Diocesan Social service Societies (DSSS) of the region.. It has identified livelihood intervention as one of the priority activities to empower the disadvantaged through entrepreneurship development

Inter Cooperation for Social Development

InterCooperation has been working in India since its inception in 1982 as a technical and project management agency for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in several states of India over the years specifically working in the areas of natural resource management, livestock and livelihoods and local governance.
The registered office in Secunderabad in Andhra Pradesh, with office in New Delhi and field offices in Uttarakhand (Haldwani), Goa (Ponda), Maharashtra (Kankavli) and Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh).

As an implementing partner of SDC, Inter Cooperation was responsible for supporting several phases of bilateral programmes in major states of India – Rajasthan, Sikkim, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa, Maharashtra and Goa.

Apart from managing bilateral programmes, IC has also facilitated the implementation of partnership programmes with over 70 NGOs spread across seven states as well as parastatals, NABARD, NDDB, UN agencies, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, National Dairy Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, G.B. Pant University, IWMI, various government departments and institutions.

The three thematic domains and sub-thematic domains of ICSD are:

  • RURAL LIVELIHOODS – Value chain development, Livestock, Organic and fair trade
  • GOVERNANCE – Water and Sanitation, NRM, Local governance
  • CLIMATE CHANGE – Adaptation, DRR, Mitigation
Your desire to help disadvantaged members of society progress economically through entrepreneurship route is a noble one.

Upcoming Events

  • National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) on January 28th, 2017 at Goa.
  • Leadership Meet on January 29th, 2017 at Goa.

Magic Fund Beneficiary

  • MAGIC (Mentor and Angel Group of I Create) Fund is established to help I Create trained Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Seed Capital Assistance. This is a donation based revolving fund.