Join us to create MAGIC

Please contribute NOW since every Rupee of your contribution till December 31,2016, will be matched by another from a matching grant!

Every one lakh Rupee in the MAGIC FUND will help up to 4 budding entrepreneurs each year in perpetuity.

1: What are an EAP and an AEW?

Entrepreneurship Awareness Program (EAP) is like the movie-trailer. It makes the participant aware about entrepreneurship, how it can help in economic empowerment, what characteristics are necessary to be successful etc. Those who get enthused by the entrepreneurship after attending EAP can and do participate in the AEW.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs Workshop (AEW) is a 4 to 5 full day program. It exposes the participant to different entrepreneurial qualities, soft skill like negotiation, power of networking, communication etc. It also teaches about market survey, product or service promotion, low-cost advertising, opportunity identification, book keeping, simple financial statements etc. The methodology is highly interactive and participatory, involving different group and team exercises.

2: What is TOT?

Training Of Trainers (TOT) is the module for training Master Trainers, who then conduct various programs like EAP,AEW and 40 Period Course.

3: Is it necessary to participate in EAP before undergoing AEW?

No. EAP is not a pre-requisite to participation in AEW. Many who have a general idea about entrepreneurship can and have straight away participated in AEW.

4: What is the qualification needed to participate in an AEW?

There is no rigid qualification as selection criteria for participation in an AEW. What we look for is a keen desire to learn about entrepreneurship, willingness to work hard and as part of team, and participate in various group & interactive sessions.

5: Do you mix different age groups, genders, educational levels and other socio-economic factors in the same workshop?

We like to keep the groups homogenous in terms of socio-economic factors. We would typically not mix the semi-literate with the educated (SSC, College); we try and keep age groups 18 to 24 separate from 35 to 45 year olds. Among the youth, we have both boys and girls in the same group. These are guidelines and not very rigid rules. The guiding principles are:
(a) the participants must feel comfortable with their peers and not be over awed by any one
(b) as the delivery of the course content is modified/adjusted based on the composition of the group, too much variation in the group leads to some members loosing interest.

6: What is the language of instruction?

This depends on the participant group composition. It can be in English or the local language. Currently we have instruction materials in English, Bengali, Hindi, Guajarati and Kannada.

7: What happens after the workshop is over?

The participants get I Create Certificate for completing the course. Also about 6 to 8 weeks after the workshop, a follow-up session is held for those interested. The purpose of such follow-up is to
(i) help those who are serious about starting their own business with any doubts they may have
(ii) review the business plans and suggest refinements
(iii) help participants think through their ideas for business, and
(iv) provide linkages, where possible.

8: Do the participants get money to start a business?

I Create is not a capital provider; neither is it a bank or Micro Finance Institution. I Create helps the participants prepare their business plans which can withstand the scrutiny of providers of capital. In many cases, I Create Certificate has given additional points in the evaluation process with the banks etc.

9: How is your training different from any other Entrepreneurship Development Program?

Our training program has certain unique features that are different from many other EDP programs. We use highly interactive and participatory techniques specially adopted for Indian conditions. Cases of every day entrepreneurs, who have started from nothing and achieved success, are essential part of training. Local entrepreneurs, who have come up from the grass roots are guest speakers to share their journey, motivate participants and give practical demonstration of issues & challenges faced. Team exercises, group interaction are the other facets of our program.

10: Do you suggest what businesses are to be started by the participants?

We do not suggest or recommend to any one what business he or she should start. However, we help them identify their skills, strengths, hobbies etc; based on these and opportunities available in the “area of their operation”, they are able to decide on the business they wish to start. Once one has identified the business, we help him/her think through, if needed, the various issues that should be considered before starting the venture.

11:Do you provide training in skills like tailoring, food processing, beauty parlor etc?

Our focus and core competency is grass roots entrepreneurship training. We do not involve ourselves in skills training directly. However, if a group wants specific skills training, then it may be possible to find trainers and provide linkages.

12: Do you help in marketing the products?

I Create is not a marketing organization. However, if members of a group (SHG or NGO) are all involved in similar production or service activities, and they want to aggregate their efforts for common marketing, then we have made suggestions regarding the type of organization structures possible for achieving the goal.

13: How do you reach the ultimate beneficiary, who needs the training?

Our centers partner with many non-profits, NGOs, Self Help Groups, Educational Institutions etc. Once the leadership of these organizations recognizes the value of I Create Training (either after attending EAP or even without it) they identify the potential participants from among their membership. The general guidelines given by I Create are kept in mind while selecting the potential candidates for the training.

14: What is the 40 period curriculum of Entrepreneurship?

The entrepreneurship course is an additional optional subject for the participating educational institutions and their students. In order to accommodate this load, the content of the Aspiring Entrepreneurs Workshop (typically conducted in 4 to 5 full day sessions) is spread over 40 periods during a semester or two. All the content of the AEW, including Business Plan Competition etc, are covered.

15: Who is a Master Trainer?

A person trained and certified by I Create, in the methodologies and techniques of training developed and perfected by it, to train grass roots level aspiring entrepreneurs is a Master Trainer. He or she is fully conversant with the philosophy and practices of I Create and follows these diligently, with local variations in delivery on a need basis.

16: How do you ensure the quality of Master Trainer?

Master Trainers undergo periodic refresher courses to keep up with the best practices. They share these with other Master Trainers and learn from each other.

17: We are a non-profit organization. How can we use the I Create brand?

You can form a strategic partnership with I Create and execute an MOU. Your staff would be trained by I Create to be Master Trainers. These Master Trainers can then conduct various programs as per I Create methodology and process.

18: I am a student in a college. I believe that I and my colleagues can immensely benefit from this program (40 period curriculum). How do we proceed to get this program started in our college?

You can request one of the centers nearer to your college to conduct an EAP program for interested students and college leadership. If there is enough interest from the participants, then the center will discuss further modalities for starting a 40 Period Course in entrepreneurship at your college. Identified teachers/lecturers will be trained as Master Trainers by I Create.

19: How much does running an I Create center cost?

Cost of running a center depends on factors like location (city), intended geographic area for coverage, expected number of programs to be conducted, type and quantum of in-kind contribution, etc. The expenses are for covering staff salary, space cost (rent etc if not in-kind), utilities, office expenses, honorarium for Master Trainers and other training related costs including travel, food etc.
Our model allows for local variation and ingenuity to overcome resource constraints. We can work with interested parties to determine expected budgetary requirements.

20: How much does sponsoring an AEW cost?

The cost will depend on following factors: location, facilities available (training hall, AV equipment etc), number of participants, in-kind contribution by partnering organization etc. Once a specific target group/organization for conducting AEW is identified, budget can be put together.

21: What is the best way to decide on sponsoring an I Create Center?

In the intended area of operation, sponsor an AEW. Once the AEW is conducted, sponsor will get a fair idea about the effectiveness of AEW and also the usefulness of the center in the chosen area to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged.

22: If I sponsor a center what are my responsibilities and obligations?

As the Grand Sponsor of the center, you/your organization will be responsible for meeting all the expenses of running the center. You will also enter in to an MOU with I Create, who will provide the necessary technical support, quality control for program implementation and monitor progress. It will train the Master Trainers of the center. You will be responsible for administration of the center, under the functional guidance and supervision of I Create.

23:If I want to only financially support a center and not take administrative responsibility for it, is it possible?

Yes. If you do not want the administration burden, then I Create can take up that responsibility and this can be reflected in the MOU between I Create and you.

24: Do you charge any Franchise Fees, Royalty and Marketing Expenses etc?

No. We do not charge any franchise fees or any other type of charges for the use of I Create brand.

Your desire to help disadvantaged members of society progress economically through entrepreneurship route is a noble one.

Upcoming Events

  • National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) on January 28th, 2017 at Goa.
  • Leadership Meet on January 29th, 2017 at Goa.

Magic Fund Beneficiary

  • MAGIC (Mentor and Angel Group of I Create) Fund is established to help I Create trained Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Seed Capital Assistance. This is a donation based revolving fund.