Join us to create MAGIC

Please contribute NOW since every Rupee of your contribution till December 31,2016, will be matched by another from a matching grant!

Every one lakh Rupee in the MAGIC FUND will help up to 4 budding entrepreneurs each year in perpetuity.

Your desire to help disadvantaged members of society progress economically through entrepreneurship route is a noble one. This helps not just the person but the whole family and their self confidence and standing in the community grows. You can fulfill your desire to do good by involving yourself in so many ways.

Sponsor a New Center

You may wish to establish and run an I Create Center in an area of your choice where you feel that need is acute and benefits immense. We can work with you to make this a reality. Our model is the Modified Business Format Franchising, with out any franchise fees or associated payments. Starting a center involves planning and execution. We can work with you on these aspects. Cost of establishing and running a center can vary depending on the location, your target audience, extent of in-kind contribution etc. Please click here and tell us more about you and your wish, so that we can guide you through the process to realize it.

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Sponsor an Aspiring Entrepreneurs Workshop (AEW)

You may want to sponsor an AEW in a place or for a group that you believe can benefit from it. We can explore with you the modalities of doing this. This can also act as pilot for sponsoring a new center.
Conducting an AEW for a beneficiary group of about 30 people (Women Self Help Groups, youth groups etc) costs approximately Rs 50,000/- (or $ 1,200-). We have seen that, after a workshop, a significant portion of people have become entrepreneurs. If you are thinking of a Center and want to pilot it in the proposed area of operation, then starting with an AEW with an existing center is also a good idea. To act on your wish,

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Volunteer to be a Mentor
Being mentored by some one, in addition to training and seed capital, is critical for success of the enterprise. If you want to volunteer your time for mentoring an entrepreneur who has been trained by I Create,
You have the skills of an entrepreneur and are willing to mentor a budding one. We can pair you with one in your area who would be grateful for your guidance. If you want to make a difference and act on your wish

Please click here

Support an Existing Center
You can donate to an existing center
There may already be a center operating in your area of interest. You can help this center extend services to more and more needy people by supporting the center financially and/or by volunteering your time. To act on your wish

Please click here

Adopt an Educational Institute
One of I Create’s programs is “Changing the Mind Set (CMS)” of youth in educational institutions like colleges, polytechnics, ITI's etc to consider entrepreneurship as a viable alternative to seeking jobs. Students desirous of learning more about entrepreneurship (one batch is about 40 students) are given the training over 40 sessions. Thereafter they participate in Business Plan Competitions – local/regional/national and global. While the cost of National Level competition is met by other sources, you can adopt a college to have the training given for the students to participate. The adoption cost is Rupees 15,000/- ($ 350/-) per institution per year. This covers Trainer’s honorarium, training material, field trip etc. To act on your wish

Please click here

Donate to Corpus Fund
You can donate to the corpus fund of a center of your choice.
Your donation to Corpus Fund will provide the organization a revenue stream, year after year. Your contribution will remain in the Corpus fund and interest from it will be used for meeting various program expenses. To act on your wish

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Donate to Angel Fund
Your donation to the Angel Fund at the center of your choice can help the center provide seed capital for deserving entrepreneurs trained by I Create..
Angel Fund is set up to provide seed capital (returnable to the fund) to deserving entrepreneurs, who have gone through I Create training and have an identified opportunity to start a business as well as developed an implementable Business Plan. The range of seed capital to be provided will be between Rupees 15,000/- and 25,000/- (between $ 350/- and $550/-) Your contribution, of any denomination, would help increase the fund size and enable us satisfy more deserving cases. To act on your wish

Please click here

Your desire to help disadvantaged members of society progress economically through entrepreneurship route is a noble one.

Upcoming Events

  • National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) on January 28th, 2017 at Goa.
  • Leadership Meet on January 29th, 2017 at Goa.

Magic Fund Beneficiary

  • MAGIC (Mentor and Angel Group of I Create) Fund is established to help I Create trained Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Seed Capital Assistance. This is a donation based revolving fund.